There is no other world. It is the responsibility of all of us, as individuals, institutions and communities, to use our resources as efficiently as possible and to avoid waste in all areas.

We cannot neglect even a single link. The extinction of a single species jeopardises the life of others while the destruction in the ecosystem threatens the entire world.

It is a shared responsibility where the responsibility belongs each one, and all of us. We are shaping the future together both on our part and on behalf of the other living things. For a sustainable future, we have to work together hand in hand, head to head, transparently.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Our circular economy approach aims to reduce resource consumption and waste generation, recycle waste as much as possible, and adopt longevity and durability of consumption as a basic principle. We recognize that recycling is a shared responsibility between consumers, producers and the company. While reducing resource consumption by using recycled raw materials, we contribute to the circular economy by making our products recyclable and reusable. We are dedicated to continuously improving ourselves and our products in this direction.

Caring for the Future

Our Promise to Future Generations

As Etap Plastik, we are a member of the UN Global Compact Türkiye which has completed requirements to form into an association aiming to mobilize the business world for responsible practices in line with the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals.

We are pleased to be a member of the local network of the UN Global Compact in Türkiye, which has been established as the Global Compact Signatories Association. We consider it important and our priority to contribute to the uninterrupted continuation of sustainability efforts in our country. In this regard, we attach great importance to our cooperation with the business community. Our company is one of the pioneers of the association in the plastic injection sector.


Reducing the Use of Resources

Managed Reduction in
Our Water Consumption!

Although the amount of water we use in production is significantly low, we managed to use 3250 tons less water in 2023 compared to 2022 just by focusing on conservation and fixing leaks. These savings, achieved without any additional investment, are equivalent to the household consumption of 100 people for a year. Efficiency is one of our focal points in every field of our business.

We Use Renewable
Energy Sources

By 2023, we have taken an important step towards reducing our carbon footprint by sourcing 100% of the energy we use from IREC renewable energy. Ensuring that our products are made with green energy gives us a great start on our journey. We still have many more steps to take in terms of a sustainable supply of green energy. Our goal is to significantly reduce our dependence on fossil fuels by installing solar panels on the roof of our factory. This will reduce our carbon footprint and help us achieve our goal of zero emissions.

Implementing Zero
Waste Approach

Launched in 2022, Zero Waste Management ensures that all of our waste is returned to the economy through more effective waste management. We are implementing comprehensive processes and procedures to prevent waste at the source, reduce operational waste, sort, recover and reuse it as a valuable resource wherever possible.

Reducing Carbon Footprint, Reducing Impact on Nature

Without harming the environment and human health, we strive to manage the entire process better, from selecting sustainable suppliers, the type of raw materials and energy sources used, to the emissions of the products sent to our customers. Controlled use of plastics and chemical consumption in our productions and reduction of manufacturing loss are concepts that we always maintain on our corporate consciousness and culture agenda.

We care to create an environmental awareness at a remarkable level for all of our employees, suppliers and customers as we ensure their understanding of the extraordinary importance of waste reduction and recycling to our world. We know that we owe it to future generations to leave a world worth living in.

We offer our stakeholders several sustainable options with our bioplastic product alternatives.

In line with our customers' requirements, we have started to produce conical crates with 40% bio-based PP blend raw material, using bio-based plastics derived from renewable plant resources such as starch and legume waste that have no function in the food chain, or chemically produced versions made from waste industrial oils and used cooking oil.

Bio-based plastics are types of plastics made from renewable resources. These plastics reduce dependence on fossil fuels and contribute to the use of agricultural waste at the same time.

We are also working on innovative projects for the production of crates with PP blend raw material containing rice husks. We evaluate the principles of circular economy in every product we produce and set every potential solution as our goal.

Strong with
Women’s Empowerment

Under the light of our Motto “Caring for the Business, Caring for the Employees and Caring for the World” we target sustainable and profitable growth aiming to leave companies for future generations where they shall take proud to work for. Guided by the United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), we believe that a sustainable future is possible with the active participation of women in all aspects of life, especially in the business world.

We know that women empowerment in a society will make it even stronger on economic, social and cultural terms. We prioritize all opportunities that will support the strengthening of women's place in the business world and society. We are committed to improving and fulfilling our part on this path. We enrich our human resources policies and practices so as to facilitate the equal and effective participation of women in business life. 

In our workplaces, we focus on building a corporate culture which is dominantly inclusive as well as humane, constructive and open to cooperation where men and women, all the employees feel valuable and respected.

As senior management, we take an active role in creating and developing work environments that respect human rights, ensuring gender equality and fair practices, talent management, equal opportunity, and creating a healthy and safe working environment, while we strive to ensure that the decisions we make and the procedures we put into practice are inclusive and sustainable. In order to hear from the first person and directly learn about the thoughts, expectations and needs of our female employees, we come together with our white- and blue-collar female colleagues at least once a year and hold open mic meetings.

While we aim to increase the quality of life of our employees with the social rights we offer, we take remedial and corrective action via measuring employee happiness and satisfaction in our workplaces. We add to their personal and career development with the trainings we offer. We work to make it easier for all our employees to achieve and maintain a better work-life balance.

Female Directors of the Board of Directors 60%

Executive Female Employees 29%

White Collar Female Employees 48%

Blue Collar Female Employees 19%

Code of Ethics

Our Fundamental Principle:
Caring for Our Employees

Across our companies we adopt the principles “Caring for Our Business, Caring for Our Employees, Caring for the World and Caring for the Future” to produce value creating work. We see our ethical codes as the fundamentals of our business life and corporate culture that guide us in developing a sustainable business with an ideal work environment based on our shared values. 

Workplace health and safety, business ethics and anticorruption, equal opportunity, diversity and human rights are among our priority social and governance responsibilities.

Our code of ethics is the corporate values shared by all of our employees to which we will adhere as we work to achieve our corporate goals.

Code of Conduct Manual Our Ethics Policy

Team Özgörkey

Team Özgörkey Volunteers is a voluntary work group that comes together to widen the principle of “create value, contribute and share” among the entire group employees as well as to extend their knowledge, skills and experience to stakeholders on a growing basis.

As Team Özgörkey, we care about using the synergy created by acting together to make a difference for our sustainable priorities. For this reason, we come together in different fields of work, and work in teams to bring into life the values that create the Özkörkey identity.

“Let’s Walk in Nature, Folks!”

We take nature walks every two months, encouraging each other to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle. Not only we enjoy ourselves and share delightful moments in the heart of nature as we walk along, but we also give the environment a chance to help nature renew itself as we collect the litter and waste enroute to prevent pollution.